PDOCrud Join operation

PDOCrud supports both left join and inner join operation. If you want to apply master, detail table operation where master table contains single record and details table contains multiple records, use LEFT JOIN else INNER JOIN.

Example of inner join 1
Example of inner join 2
                            $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();
                            * Add join between tables, supported join condition are "INNER JOIN" & "LEFT JOIN"
                            * @param   string  $joinTableName                             name of table to be joined
                            * @param   string  $joinCondition                             join condition e.g. ("table2.col = table1.col")
                            * @param   string  $joinType                                  type of join (Inner or left join)-default is inner join
                            * return   object                                             Object of class
                            $pdocrud->joinTable("user_meta", "user_meta.user_id = users.user_id", "LEFT JOIN");
                            echo $pdocrud->dbTable("users")->render();


Showing 1 to 10 of 23 entries

# User id First name Last name User name Gender Actions
1 31 Dev23 Smith admin male
2 32 Daniel Kelleher dave@test.com 0
3 35 cc
4 37
5 39 123
6 40 dfgh
7 41 dedw dsa sdads 0
8 42 pippo
9 43 toto toto toto 0
10 45 dsfsdf sdfsd sdf 0
# User id First name Last name User name Gender Actions