PDOCrud Default crud option

PDOCrud is dynamic CRUD generator application. It generates complete crud operation for you. You don't need to write code for CRUD operation(create, read, update, delete) operation. PDOCrud class does every thing on your behalf. All you need to do is to create object of class and call render function on the table for which you want to generate the CRUD operation. i.e. 2 lines of code and all operation of CRUD works.

For generating default crud table, you need to write 2 lines of code. It will create all insert/update/delete and view along with various other controls like pagination, search, records per page, sorting etc. This all options can be customized using various setting options available.

Using PDOCrud, you can build huge forms with many no. of fields in few seconds. You just need to write 2 lines of code and all operations will be managed by the database table. It doesn't matter how big or how small a table is, PDOCrud script generates form easily and also you don't need to write the code for database insert/update/delete/view also. All form submission and operations are done using ajax for faster operations

                                $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();//create object of PDOCrud Class
                                echo $pdocrud->dbTable("employee")->render(); // call render function on database table


Showing 1 to 10 of 54 entries

# Id First name Last name Address City State Zip Actions
2 48 Risa Ayers Ap #948-9845 Mi Avenue11111 Pass Christian OH 72881
3 50 Nola Rojas Ap #185-9503 Sed Street Juneau NH 77099
4 52 Cheryl Bowers 1348 Ut Rd. Hutchinson IL 44144
5 53 Bree Gaines Ap #190-9800 Facilisi. Rd. Bowling Green ME 62391
6 54 Lacota Bonner 3229 Felis. St. Jenks DE 54999
7 57 Hilary Conner 2000 Diam. Rd. Roanoke MN 50683
8 58 Zena Fox 9604 Dolor Road Palm Springs WA 93143
9 59 Britanni Schmidt 485-6357 Dictum Road Bradbury VT 48121
10 61 Madeson Robbins P.O. Box 690, 861 Magna. Avenue Bismarck MN 37748
# Id First name Last name Address City State Zip Actions