PDOCrud Default crud option

PDOCrud is dynamic CRUD generator application. It generates complete crud operation for you. You don't need to write code for CRUD operation(create, read, update, delete) operation. PDOCrud class does every thing on your behalf. All you need to do is to create object of class and call render function on the table for which you want to generate the CRUD operation. i.e. 2 lines of code and all operation of CRUD works.

For generating default crud table, you need to write 2 lines of code. It will create all insert/update/delete and view along with various other controls like pagination, search, records per page, sorting etc. This all options can be customized using various setting options available.

Using PDOCrud, you can build huge forms with many no. of fields in few seconds. You just need to write 2 lines of code and all operations will be managed by the database table. It doesn't matter how big or how small a table is, PDOCrud script generates form easily and also you don't need to write the code for database insert/update/delete/view also. All form submission and operations are done using ajax for faster operations

                                $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();//create object of PDOCrud Class
                                echo $pdocrud->dbTable("employee")->render(); // call render function on database table


Showing 1 to 10 of 68 entries

# Id First name Last name Address City State Zip Actions
1 34 Sinda Mccarty P.O. Box 588, 4717 Tellus. Street Vicksburg NJ 67362
2 134 efekmfkekr,ee egefregrfgr evrrfrfvrrr vegeegergrgr evgrvrvrfbrf 21545454
3 37 TEST3 TEST3 222-910 Amet Rd. Tonawanda IA 04308
4 38 Kuame Huffman 793-1081 In, Av. South El Monte MA 80857
5 39 Xenos Clarke 437-3387 Arcu Road Newburgh NV 05780
6 40 Cooper Jensen P.O. Box 138, 4309 Non Rd. Opelousas VA 93061
7 41 Deacon Tyson 156-1937 Ultrices Rd. Spokane Valley FL 76778
8 42 Dawn Potter 8472 Pellentesque Rd. Chesapeake OH 66729
9 43 Zane Calderon 739-7377 Nascetur Rd. Elsmere VA 62940
10 44 Cecilia Carney 3243 Lorem Ave Shawnee NM 22241
# Id First name Last name Address City State Zip Actions