PDOCrud Various Table Operation

                                $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();
                                // Change table heading
                                $pdocrud->tableHeading("Job Application Information");
                                // Change table subheading
                                $pdocrud->tableSubHeading("here you can add secondary information about the table");
                                echo $pdocrud->dbTable("job_application")->render();

Job Application Information here you can add secondary information about the table

Showing 1 to 10 of 16 entries

# Application id First name Last name Date of birth Email Phone Gender Address City State Country Zip/pin code Education Resume Comments Actions
1 2 =kpuFPaCQJRvyJxOIvdjXLjNm ==kpuFPaCQJRvyJxOIvdjXLjNm 0000-00-00 MuCdlV.btwcdqd@zetetic.sbs kpuFPaCQJRvyJxOIvdjXLjNm ==1 =kpuFPaCQJRvyJxOIvdjXLjNm =1 1 =1 ==0 kpuFPaCQJRvyJxOIvdjXLjNm
2 3 =Jayleen Stokes ==Jayleen Stokes 0000-00-00 PEEXFE.hwtttbb@wisefoot.club Jayleen Stokes ==1 =Jayleen Stokes =1 1 =1 ==0 Jayleen Stokes
3 4 =Laila Campbell ==Laila Campbell 0000-00-00 CcwKnF.bbbhwh@wisefoot.club Laila Campbell ==1 =Laila Campbell =1 1 =1 ==0 Laila Campbell
4 5 =Cartier Oneill ==Cartier Oneill 0000-00-00 yljtoC.hwjpwdw@anaphora.team Cartier Oneill ==1 =Cartier Oneill =1 1 =1 ==0 Cartier Oneill
5 6 rg mzn 0000-00-00 rgmazon@email.com 09391391685 0 SILONAY, CALAPAN CITY, ORIENTAL MINDORO 1 1 1 0 http://localhost/pdocrud/script/uploads/1703829255_NLNP-PAMO Violation ManagementNLNP-PAMO Biodiversity Monitoring System (7).pdf mngvjhbj
6 7 =Kara Trejo ==Kara Trejo 0000-00-00 eruXFE.bpjcmtd@lustrum.cfd Kara Trejo ==1 =Kara Trejo =1 1 =1 ==0 Kara Trejo
7 8 =Heaven Fleming ==Heaven Fleming 0000-00-00 qeDlxO.bpjpqhp@carnana.art Heaven Fleming ==1 =Heaven Fleming =1 1 =1 ==0 Heaven Fleming
8 9 =Axton Ruiz ==Axton Ruiz 0000-00-00 zuPnyJ.hbqjmwp@borasca.xyz Axton Ruiz ==1 =Axton Ruiz =1 1 =1 ==0 Axton Ruiz
9 10 =Ryland Madden ==Ryland Madden 0000-00-00 sdyuEl.cwjjmqm@bakling.click Ryland Madden ==1 =Ryland Madden =1 1 =1 ==0 Ryland Madden
10 11 =Enzo Michael ==Enzo Michael 0000-00-00 hLoJJK.qhpcdcm@spectrail.world Enzo Michael ==1 =Enzo Michael =1 1 =1 ==0 Enzo Michael
# Application id First name Last name Date of birth Email Phone Gender Address City State Country Zip/pin code Education Resume Comments Actions