Edit Single Cell Excel like editing of table cell on click (Added in version 3.7)

If you want to edit a single cell value directly similar to spreadsheet editing, you can easily do by enabling "tableCellEdit". On click on table rows, it shows the value inside the input text box. You can edit the value inside the input type text. You need to press enter to save the value. You can click on any table cell to edit the value directly.

  • Doesn't work with join.
  • Support input type of text field only.
  • Doesn't support field formatting and field validation.

                                    $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();
                                    $pdocrud->setSettings("tableCellEdit", true);
                                    echo $pdocrud->dbTable("orders")->render();


Showing 1 to 10 of 84 entries

# ID Order no Order date Customer name Order amount Order status Actions
1 145 3 2024-01-18 Cooper Jensen 3 1
2 146 0 2024-01-01 Xenos Clarke 2500 ok
3 147 0 0000-00-00 0
4 148 3 0000-00-00 0 gh
5 149 9 2024-01-11 199 Pending
6 150 23 2024-01-03 45 Completed2
7 151 0 0000-00-00 45
8 152 30771 2016-09-08 Cooper Jensen 45 Completed
9 153 30 2024-01-17 kjhgvfcx 45 Completed2
10 154 96349 2016-09-08 Deacon Tyson 88 Completed
# ID Order no Order date Customer name Order amount Order status Actions