Set Search Columns Option to set search columns instead of all columns (Added in v 3.5.2)

You can set which search columns to be shown instead of showing all columns of table in search box.

                                $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();
                                echo $pdocrud->dbTable("employee")->render();


Showing 1 to 10 of 80 entries

# Id First name Last name Address City State Zip Actions
1 117 ztuzt uztu ztutzutzu ztutzu ztutzu tzutzu
2 22 Stone Kirkland P.O. Box 686, 9425 Morbi Road Colorado Springs UT 93246
3 23 Edward Burton 5310 Vel, Avenue Harrisburg AK 15122
4 24 Adam Ramsey 6383 Euismod Road Fulton AZ 14148
5 25 Serina Randolph Ap #832-9968 Cras Rd. Baltimore VT 02934
6 26 Abraham Beasley 1146 Scelerisque, Road Pierre WV 10668
7 27 Kerry Grant P.O. Box 613, 193 Nullam St. Bloomington MN 59983
8 28 Wyoming Sullivan 9747 Volutpat Road Auburn Hills OR 85244
9 29 Reese Singleton 7322 Sagittis. Av. Schaumburg WY 97495
10 30 Rosalyn Spencer P.O. Box 296, 6612 Est. Ave Eatontown WV 88032
# Id First name Last name Address City State Zip Actions